This summer I will be launching a new online site called Fascicle with the help of Chris Vitiello and Ken Rumble. Another web journal, I know, but one with some focus, hopefully. We're looking at running a new issue twice a year.
In the spirit of Jacket, Talisman, Sulfur and other journals that present a possible context for the poems and poetics found therein, Fascicle welcomes critical prose on various historical and cultural tendencies that inform an innovative aesthetic. Welcome topics would include (but are not limited to) Negritude, Outsider Writing (however defined), Fluxus, Ethnopoetics (as represented by various anthologies and writings by the Rothenbergs, Tedlock, etc.), performance poetries, the Beats, visual poetries (from Concrete to the work found in the Rasula/McCaffery Imagining Language anthology), Flarf, Language writing. Writing on individual writers and artists is also welcomed; a representative listing of possible subjects might include Hannah Weiner, bp nichol, Jonathan Williams, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Tom Raworth, Anne Tardos, Kathy Acker, Antonin Artaud, Jess, Ed Roberson, Jacques Roubaud, besmilr bingham.
Reviews of recent titles are also always welcome.
A regular feature of Fascicle will be a (as yet untitled) local news section consisting of the poetry news from various communities. What we're hoping for is a venue by which various communities can stay informed as to recent activities in various other communities, and a venue by which all will have access to news, ideas and happenings viewed through local eyes. We have 'correspondents' already from Philly and the Triangle area in North Carolina, and are searching for people from Austin, Atlanta, DC, Vancouver, Milwaukee, San Francisco and elsewhere, including communities of much smaller measure. Two's company, three's a community.
"The news" is free to the correspondents' interpretation: it could be news of recent publications, readings, social and political poetry activities; it can also be news as to "what's in the air" aesthetically. Fascicle is looking for two to three paragraphs from each correspondent, twice a year.
Current correspondents:
Triangle, NC -- Randall Williams & assorted Lucipo
Philly -- CA Conrad
Portland -- Maryrose Larkin
Dallas -- Shin Yu Pai
Western Mass -- Noah Eli Gordon
Vancouver, BC -- Aaron Peck
Austin, TX -- Scott Pierce
Fascicle will also feature short 1-2 paragraph review/notices of work that falls under the publishing radar. This includes chapbooks, self-published books, internet work, audio and so forth. If it's too small to make SPD and you think it's worthy of notice, we want to run your review/notice.
Write-ups for the Word of Mouth section should be 1-2 paragraphs long and include information for ordering and/or finding the work.
Another omnibus section in a similar vein as Octopus' Recovery Project. Fascicle welcomes short write-ups of texts (from any era) that you consider primary to your understanding of poetry, that you feel are under-recognized essential texts. For example, I'll probably write on either Clayton Eshleman's Juniper Fuse or the Mary Margaret Sloan edited Moving Borders: Three Decades of Innovative Writing by Women.
Fascicle seeks translations, ideally of contemporary poets and writers, but also of relevant historical figures.
Additionally, English language poets from outside of the US are especially invited to submit innovative work; Fascicle seeks to present a view of innovative writing as both a global and local occurrence.
Thanks ---
Tony Tost
editor, Fascicle
tonytost AT yahoo DOT com